Scouting America
Three Harbors Council
330 South 84th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468

Shooting Sports

The Shooting Sports Committee is responsible for the oversight of all shooting sports activities within the council, including archery, rifle, shotgun, pistol, tomahawks and more.


Sign up for NRA Training

Are you interested in becoming an NRA Rifle or Shotgun instructor?
Three Harbors Council and the Shooting Sports Committee are looking for dedicated certified people to help with our growing Shooting Sports Program.  We need NRA certified instructors to work events that involve shotgun, rifle, pistol and BB.  Each course is approximately 8 hours long and involves actual shooting that must be done to get that NRA certification. 
We are also looking for Level 1 Archery Instructors who can teach archery and help Scouts who are getting their merit badges at Scouting events.  The level 1 certification is good for 3 years and then renewable by paying a renewal fee.  This course is also 8 hours long, and involves shooting, fixing equipment, etc.  Please keep in mind that the Range Master program for BB does not allow you to teach anything but BB guns and the Range Master program for archery does not allow you to teach beyond Cub Scouts.
So, if you are up to the challenge, then we want you!  Everybody must take Basic Instructor Training which before they take any NRA course. 
Please Note: In order to receive the partial reimbursement, you would need to work three Council events in one year, such as district Klondike, camporees, shooting sports day (summer camp), not an individual unit event. 
If you are interested in training, please contact Karen Herbert at 262-567-8590 or 262-617-8967.
Staff Advisor:
Wally Smith
Shooting Sports Chair:
Brian Boehm
Programs and Communications Specialist:


    Scouting America Three Harbors Council  I  330 South 84th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53214-1468


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